The point of this blog has always been to be a voice for that single parent who is not what the general media perceive, or even portray her / him to be.
Apart from my general chat and malarchy and stuff defying this myth, I have collected together a number of intelligent other voices to tell their stories.
Their views of single motherhood and how their situations came about personify, indeed, the not-so-young-single-mum. Each has something important to say. Each is an inspiration. Each has their own voice. It is a pleasure and an honour to hear them here. Please show them your support.
Series 1
Rosie Scribble
Kairen (Confessions of a Single Mum) Varker.
Annie (Mammasaurus) Spratt.,
Ellen (In a Bun Dance ) Arnison,
Katy (All Sweetness and Life) Horwood,
Sarah (St Bloggie de Riviere) Hague,
Mel (HerMelness Speaks) Fargo.
Anonymous friend.
My own - courtesy of Netmums, featured to kick off their 'Busting the Myths' Single Mums Week, inspired by this series of stories.
Series 2.
Kate (WitWitWoo) Sutton.
Elaine (Mortgage Free in Three) Colliar.
Chrissie Lewandowski
New Pyjama Mummy