...is Mel B back on the X-factor judging panel. What a breath of fresh air, making an otherwise dreary show with the others spewing stuff as dull as dishwater suddenly up their game to make for a hugely enjoyable and watchable entertainment show. I would even go so far as to say heartwarming.
Ratings? Pah! Bring her on. She needs the money. Well, someone does. Oh, that's me - see no. 2).
I tell you this because Anna Tims has revealed her innermost desires at Adventures of a Middle-Aged Matron and has passed the meme baton on to me. Now we all crave happy and carefree kids, health, wealth and holidays, World Peace etc. but all this is a 'given.' What she really, really wants to know about is stuff like this:

2) You know, the important things in life, such as this fab dress from Phase Eight.
Heaven knows how it has happened, but I have been bestowed with the good enough fortune to win a much sought after ticket for the MAD Blog Awards in two weeks time. I clocked it in a shop window in Eastbourne recently, then remembered I never go anywhere nowadays to wear such a beautiful creation. But that was then. This is now. I want it.
3) I also want free Osteopathy, Healing and Acupuncture for everyone, everywhere who is in any pain. You might as well throw in Aromatherapy Massage and Reflexology and anything else 'Alternative' you can think of, but my favourite is Shiatsu, so make sure that's included and I know, hand on heart, they will receive some relief and, perhaps, get some semblance of their lives back and the NHS will be less overloaded and save£Trillions in the long run.
4) And cheaper public transport. Who doesn't want that? Honestly, they should have me running the Department of Transport in government. When I lived in New York it was so cheap to go on the subway, everybody used it. It utterly inspired me, but, unfortunately, still makes me rage when it costs £4.40 for a 15 minute bus ride to Brighton or £4-6 to park there for a few hours. You want us out of our cars? Make the buses a quid and watch it happen!
5) I want what is the Holy Grail for many of us - a night's uninterrupted blissful slumber, because where my kids might have left off after SIX YEARS of waking me up between them, my lovely man's sciatica has taken over. I try not to mention that to him all that often but *blushes furiously and grimaces* just can't help myself. Frustration and yearning make my main aim in life bed by 9.30, but it never, ever happens!
So, 'tis with pleasure I pass this baton on to some lovely ladies - to declare their most inherent wants to the world and do you know what my boyfriend just did, having read this blog post? He's only offered to buy me the dress! They say Fate moves in mysterious ways, so watch out, girls - 'they' also say 'Be careful what you wish for!' Good Luck!
5) I want what is the Holy Grail for many of us - a night's uninterrupted blissful slumber, because where my kids might have left off after SIX YEARS of waking me up between them, my lovely man's sciatica has taken over. I try not to mention that to him all that often but *blushes furiously and grimaces* just can't help myself. Frustration and yearning make my main aim in life bed by 9.30, but it never, ever happens!
So, 'tis with pleasure I pass this baton on to some lovely ladies - to declare their most inherent wants to the world and do you know what my boyfriend just did, having read this blog post? He's only offered to buy me the dress! They say Fate moves in mysterious ways, so watch out, girls - 'they' also say 'Be careful what you wish for!' Good Luck!