19 November 2013

The Sea Today #Brighton

Autumn is such a scenic time and, as anyone who follows my Instagram feed can tell you, they'll get regular pictures of the sea that day. I always have people in mind who don't live near the coast and rarely get to see her - and people do say they enjoy them.

For me she is a daily delight - always different.  Here, she has some tough competition from the sky stealing her show, but it so deserves a look in!  Linking up with Older Mum's now famous seasonal #OneWeek - here's a selection of stuff - some of which has been seen before and some of which hasn't.

Others will have been saving up some other glorious sights or sounds which represent Autumn to them, so do head over to check them out if you possibly get a chance to.  

[Oh and if you don't mind a lovely little click voting for me in the Candis Magazine's Blogging Awards who've nominated me in the Parenting Category (no need to laugh!) then I'd really appreciate it, thank you!].