30 January 2014

The Road to Ruin.

The other day I met up with Michelle from Mummy in the Heart in a famous clothing chain store for a cuppa and a chinwag and it was lovely.  Never has so much been said about anything and everything between two women in so short a time!

Sinking a latte, I showed her the Jeggings I'd picked up in their sale.

'It's the road to ruin'  I said to her. 'Lycra.'

Lycra in your jeans. Lycra in your leggings.  Combining jeans and leggings and lycra to make them even more comfortable.

Sliding them into long, flat boots and being happy.

We had a cake each too.  Which proves my point perfectly.

Cake and lycra. Lots of lattes and lycra.

When I was younger
we'd never heard of the stuff. When your jeans didn't fit, you knew you were carrying an extra pound or two and you had to lose the weight or buy bigger jeans.  No-one did really that though because they were more expensive then they are now.

But now I can't get into any of my old jeans - even from a year ago, so I've converted to jeggings, because they're more comfortable, because I can.  And they are the road to ruin.

The ladies at my local coffee shop told me about an article which said if you drink a latte a day you'll put a stone on over a year or you can read this one HERE that reckons it's a good ten lbs.  I am walking evidence of whichever you choose to believe.

This also scarily and actually accounts for quite a sizeable chunk of my overdraft worked out over an equal period - the rest of which is down to sanity saving solicitor's fees dealing with the enduring and, frankly, rather retarded correspondence from my ex-husband - partly what drives me to a peaceful half hour somewhere, savouring a latte with hazelnut syrup anyhow.

But take heed, because the lycra stretches as you do and what's worse, much, much worse, is the other pair that I picked up because of their colour has an elasticated waist - which no-one ever sees because we all wear long stuff over jeggings, yet we all know where this road will lead.

So, being mindful of the saying that if you keep doing the same things, then you keep getting the same results, this week, more than once, despite wincing at the weather, I chose the road less travelled instead by leaving the car at the youngest's school and taking the 45 minute walk home and back later to pick him up.  For the record, for different reasons, it also made me happy.

What do you think is the road to ruin?