I am fascinated by Tania Sullivan. Having met her at a blogging event a couple of years ago, we immediately struck up a friendship and have stayed in touch.
She was with her son Paddy and only had 11 children then. Obviously it's easy to assume she's mad, but on the contrary, in the flesh, she's one of the most warm wonderful women I've ever met and the more I read of her book telling their story (including a first failed marriage and multiple miscarriages), the more I believe she should be running the country. She speaks a whole lot of sense and is rightly unapologetic for seeing every single child she - and other people have - as a blessing.
In the last two years, little Isobel has come along, and on February 15th this year Timothy Sebastian arrived. But he had problems breathing.
With thanks to the Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit, Timothy's little life was saved and because neither Tania or her husband are mad at all (and if you've seen them on any of the TV programmes they've been featured in, you might have observed that for yourselves), they'd like to say their Thank yous by raising £2000 by his first Birthday.
They've documented his story in this totally inspiring and truly very moving video below - along with the reaction of most of their other children when they discover they have another brother (!) - and if you'd like to help, please donate - no matter how small amount - to their Just Giving page over at www.justgiving.com/largerfamilylife, or via Paypal to family@largerfamilylife.com (marked ‘Tim’s Journey’).
I am in love with him.