1 April 2013

Oh She's a Beautiful Mama.

When times get rough, it's good to hold your children closer than usual.

When you're a single parent riding the storms of family pressures, those times are fairly frequent and, lately, I've been holding mine very close indeed because it's so very healing.

I don't feel anything like a Beautiful Mama, I feel much more like a Bedraggled one, but the very kind Luci from mother.wife.me. begs to differ and has awarded me this:


It's a little while since we've had one of these babies and how lovely it is, thank you Luci.

I'm to - Save the image and use it my acceptance post
            List three things I love about motherhood
            Nominate other deserving Blogging Mamas and let them know I've done so.

To be honest, this was really hard work!  It made me think and appreciate motherhood more, to stand back a bit and take more notice of the nicer elements, rather than be caught up in the humdrum of daily activity counting down the hours until bedtime and I even learned to sit with my children more for a breather, as opposed to trying to escape them by staying in the loo longer than necessary, despite the fact they still never leave me alone in there anyhow.

So, the comfort derived merely from the physicality of their presence and their unpouring of love displayed by constantly plonking themselves on me and making the most of that while they're little, would be the first thing on this list.

The second would be the passing on of some traditions from my own childhood, such as the decorating of boiled eggs this Easter Sunday - with their own added twist, naturally!

Nice Butt?!

The third thing I'm presently loving about motherhood is the pride and joy of hearing my eldest read books to his little brother, that I used to read to him.  Even though he has moved on to Harry Potter and Roald Dahl (to the extent the latter has added a whole new dimension of yuckiness to our conversations!) the thoughtfulness with which he passes on that enjoyment, taking that time and making that effort to share stories he now finds 'too baby-ish' makes my heart swell and gives me butterflies.

This has been a good exercise so I'm happily passing on the blogging baton to some other ladies who are Beautiful Mamas both inside and out:

Sarah, the gorgeous Grenglish
Ruth, the delightful dorkymum
And, last but she could never, ever be least, Kate, the wonderful WitWitWoo.